Bopimo Basics: Action Blocks!
Feb 21, 2024
Row 1 of blocks is Action Blocks: Purple spawn point, purple checkpoint flag, purple completion star, yellow spring, orange lava, blue water, brown ladder, yellow token, beige disappearing block, gray grates, dark purple speed panel, dark blue boost panel, light blue ice, purple missile launcher, dark red breakable block, dark purple cannon. Row 2 is decoration blocks: Purple flower, brown fence, green pine tree, green pine tree with white snow, green palm tree, street lamp with yellow light, torch with orange light, long version of logo (bopimo!), then a short version of the logo (b!), then an item mesh block representing item id 1, the Super Bopi Cap. Row 3 is shape blocks, all purple: Cube, Ramp, Cylinder, Sphere, Corner Ramp, Pyramid, Pyramid Corner, Rounded Ramp, Cone, Hole
Bopimo's current selection of blocks.

Action Blocks

What are action blocks? Only the most fun type of block in Bopimo! Like their name suggests, action blocks all have special functionality - whether it be firing missiles or launching the Bopi through the air. Being creative with these blocks is what makes a really good level!

Without further ado, here's all of the action blocks that will exist in version 1.0.0 of Bopimo! More will be added in future updates, allowing you to create even cooler levels!

Spawn Point

Spawn Point blocks are where players will spawn in the level. If more than one exists in the level, then one is chosen at random.

My Bopi (Orange skin, flaming hat with cat ears) dying and respawning at a green spawn point block with a dark green palm tree block clipped into the floor to appear as a different type of plant nearby.
The color and pattern of the block can be changed, too!


Checkpoints will override all Spawn Point blocks inside the level when touched. Place these if you don't want the player to have to start from the beginning when they die!

The official Bopimo accounts Bopi, yellow with a purple sweater and purple Super Bopi Cap, running around and touching several checkpoints. A green one, a purple one, a dark blue one, the green one again, a red one, and then back to the dark blue one. After touching the dark blue one they respawn and it shows that the Bopi now respawns at the last checkpoint they touched.

Completion Star

Completion Stars are how levels are completed. You can add as many stars to your level as you want, and the level will be completed when the player collects all of the stars. While this is the only clear method that will exist on release, we plan to add other fun ways to clear levels later, such as obtaining a certain amount of tokens!

Clears for "parkour tower" #1: blocky, 2 minutes, 22 seconds, 546 milliseconds, 1 month ago. #2 Leon, 3 minutes, 53 seconds, 123 milliseconds, 1 month ago. #3 Isaiah, 7 minutes, 17 seconds, 498 milliseconds, 1 month ago. #4 Peanut, 12 minutes 48 seconds 655 milliseconds, 1 month ago.
Each level page has a leaderboard of all clears. Try your best to achieve the fastest time!


Springs were the first action block ever conceptualized for Bopimo. When stepped on, they'll bounce you to the height of your choosing.

The Bopi of the Bopimo account using a yellow spring, and then a blue spring, to bounce high into the air to ground pound my Bopi.
Perfect for landing a ground pound!
A bopi jumps into a yellow spring that is rotated sideways, launching them into another spring right side up.
As shown here, the scale and bounce force can all be adjusted!


Lava is a basic damage block. When touched, it'll deal damage to whoever touched it, with the amount of damage able to be changed.


Water blocks are pretty self explanatory - a block that you can swim in! Pressing the dive key underwater will make you perform a boost that increases your swim speed and mobility temporarily.

My Bopi underwater, with another Bopi swimming around it.
A Bopi with pink skin and purple Super Bopi Cap swimming around in water, performing a boost.


Ladders are unique blocks that have the ability to be vertically climbed. Perfect for any section of a level where a player needs to reach a great height.

The Bopimo account's Bopi climbing a purple ladder.
Ladders can have patterns applied to them, too.


Tokens may look like coins, but they aren’t the same as the coins on your account! Tokens are a block that can be placed in levels which will increase the token count of the player who collected it. The amount of tokens they give can be adjusted as well as how much it will heal. Currently, tokens don’t really do much - all they are is a counter inside levels. In future updates, more uses for them are planned, such as a block that acts as a gate that opens when a player collects a certain amount of tokens in a level.

Disappearing Block

Disappearing Blocks disappear from under you as you walk over them. The time it takes for it to disappear as well as the time it takes to regenerate can both be adjusted.


Grates can be held onto from the bottom, making a nice hangable ceiling!

When they move, they’ll carry you!

Speed Panel

Speed Panels change the movement speed of the player who walks on them. It has two special properties that can be adjusted - the new speed for the player, and how long the speed effect will last.

Boost Panel

Boost Panels will instantly give you a boost of velocity in the direction that they are facing. They're perfect to use with rolling, as rolling over them will give you a ton of speed. They’re different from Speed Panels because Speed Panels directly set the players movement speed variable, while the Boost Panel just applies velocity.

With all that speed, you can roll off a ramp to a further platform!
I totally failed here, but you get the point!


Ice is a cold, slippery block that you slide around on. It’s good for providing a challenge in levels where players must be extra careful.

The slipperiness can be adjusted.

Missile Launcher

Missile Launchers fire missiles periodically. When the missiles are touched, they’ll explode and deal damage. It has a variety of properties that can be adjusted.

Breakable Block

Breakable Blocks are blocks that have their own health and can be destroyed by damaging them. After a set amount of your choosing, they'll regenerate so they can be broken again.

Breakable Blocks can be destroyed by damaging them. A ground pound sure does the trick!
Like all other blocks, its properties can be changed, such as the amount of health it has.


Cannons are my personal favorite block. You can adjust the power of the cannon, which will make the Bopi launch as far as you want it!

Look at them go!

Wrapping Up

That's all of the action blocks in Bopimo - for now. There is so many different blocks that I'd like to add, but I'd like the game to release first so players can play with the current selection before I go ahead and add more!